Category: News
CSV Graph Viewer For Windows, MacOs and Linux

BeSpice Wave is now available on MacOs. Download the evaluation version from our downloads page. Our software is a CSV graph viewer. It reads files from data loggers or technical / scientific instruments. We also have a Windows and Linux version. BeSpice Wave visualizes curves from CSV (comma separated values)…
Date Conference 2017
Case study: using BeSpice Wave Parser for model extraction and characterization
SYDELITY is a start-up company aiming to provide services in the field of system-level simulation. We help customer to speed-up, extend the range and improve the accuracy of their mixed-mode system-level simulations. We provide a model extraction service and consulting. For the model extraction process, we typically run a series…
StarVision / SpiceVision Integration

BeSpice Wave is a waveform viewer specialized for visualizing and analyzing Spice simulation results. It is available as software component for various graphical toolkits and frameworks. The Tk version of BeSpice Wave is available as plug-in extension for StarVision® and SpiceVision®. StarVision and SpiceVision are products from Concept Engineering GmbH,…
Free Waveform Viewer Download
A free BeSpice Wave version can be downloaded from our downloads page. It has limited functionality. The post-processing options are not available. Only the CSV and spice3 raw file parsers are activated. Spice3 raw file are generated natively by ngspice. However most commercial simulators generate spice3 raw files when the…
2016: What’s New ?
In the 2016 version of BeSpice Wave we added several new waveform parsers. Now we support all *.dat files generated by PSpice (Cadence Design Automation). We also support psfxl files. Psfxl is the default output format of the Spectre simulator (Cadence Design Automation). We also read all analog output formats…
Controlling and Monitoring High Voltage Power Supplies
This video shows how our Waveform Viewer Technology has been integrated to a software controlling high voltage power supplies. The following features from our Waveform Viewer Technology have been used here: “Re-parenting” of individual pages. That means individual plot pages are detached from BeSpice Wave’s main GUI and re-arranged in…
BeSpice Wave is available
BeSpice Wave, our waveform viewer and post processing tool is available. BeSpice Wave is specialized for visualizing spice simulation results and lab measurement data. Download a free evaluation version.