Category: Visualization
Easy LV|HV: working with the graph window
We have released a tutorial video that shows how to work with the graph window integrated to Easy LV|HV. The graph window allows to follow the measured quantities over time and detect anomalies such as arcs or excessive currents and temperatures. Hopefully the video is clear by itself. If not,…
Data Logger Graph Software
Iseg NHQ/SHQ Control

Voici un lien vers la version francaise de cette page. Iseg NHQ/SHQ Control is a control software that allows to control iseg NHQ and SHQ high voltage power supplies. This software has been realized by Analog Flavor for iseg Spezialelektronik GmbH, Physical Instruments and their customers. We are also in…
Qt Graph and Waveform Viewer
BeSpice Wave Widget can easily be integrated into graphical applications based on the cross-platform application framework Qt. It adds advanced and powerful graph viewer functionality to existing applications. It also allows to build new software using a time-saving component based approach. Qt4 and Qt5 are supported. The widget is available…
StarVision / SpiceVision Integration

BeSpice Wave is a waveform viewer specialized for visualizing and analyzing Spice simulation results. It is available as software component for various graphical toolkits and frameworks. The Tk version of BeSpice Wave is available as plug-in extension for StarVision® and SpiceVision®. StarVision and SpiceVision are products from Concept Engineering GmbH,…
How to use the Tk BeSpice Wave Widget ?
BeSpice Wave Widget can easily be integrated into Tcl/Tk applications. The module is provided as shared C library that can directly be loaded as Tcl module. All components and information that are required for using the Tk module can be found in your software installation tree. You should start here:…
Tcl/Tk Graph And Waveform Viewer

BeSpice Wave Widget can easily be integrated into Tcl/Tk applications. The module is provided as shared C library that can directly be loaded as Tcl module. It combines the performance of C with the flexibility of Tcl/Tk. The integration is extremely simple. Load the module. Create the Tk window. Insert…
Free Waveform Viewer Download
A free BeSpice Wave version can be downloaded from our downloads page. It has limited functionality. The post-processing options are not available. Only the CSV and spice3 raw file parsers are activated. Spice3 raw file are generated natively by ngspice. However most commercial simulators generate spice3 raw files when the…
Eye Pattern or Eye Diagram

Eye patterns or eye diagrams are used to quickly and accurately measure the quality of a digital signal. They are built by folding a waveform into a single graph. The resulting graph will resemble to an eye. Measuring the eye diagram’s characteristics allows to determine the electrical quality of the…